
  • New paper accepted at PoPETS 2024. Congrats to my student Lanjing Liu!
  • Two new papers accepted at CHI 2024. Congrats to all coauthors!
  • New grant on designing consent in conversational agents, funded by Google.
  • Three papers accepted at CSCW 2024!
  • New paper accepted at USENIX 2024!
  • New NSF HCC Small grant as Co-PI (with lead-PI Dr. Yuhang Zhao)!
  • New paper accepted at ASSETS 2023!
  • New paper accepted at SOUPS 2023!
  • New NSF SaTC Small grant as the Lead PI (my first NSF)!
  • New paper accepted at USENIX Security 2023.
  • New paper accepted at Euro S&P 2023.
  • New paper accepted at USEC 2023.
  • New grant on predicting privacy preferences in VR, funded by Meta.
  • New grant on privacy notice in VR, funded by Meta.
  • One paper was accepted at USENIX Security 2023.
  • One paper was accepted at ASSETS 2022.
  • I will serve as an Associate Chair at CHI 2023.
  • Two papers were accepted at PoPETS 2022.